The Underworld Daeira

Daeira, is “the knowing,” a divinity connected with the Eleusinian mysteries. Daiera was an Okeanid Nymph from the town of Eleusis in Attika. She may have been the Naiad of the town’s famous well, the Khallikhoros, where Demeter first rested upon entered Eleusis. Daeira was connected with the rites of the Eleusinian Mysteries, her name “the knowing one” or “teacher” describes the imparting of secret knowledge. The name Daeira was also an Eleusinian title for the goddess Persephone. Daeira may have been identified with the Eleusinian Hekate, who a few sources appear to suggest was the consort of Khthonian Hermes, Guide of the Dead. She was the mother of the town’s king of Hermes. 

Photographer: Rebecca Bathory 

Model: Sophie Thompson

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